EMA, the Explainable Marketing Analytics platform born from the collaboration of LIBRA AI with PaperGo, a boutique Developer house in Patras, is the virtual assistant every e-commerce marketeer needs to design, perform and evaluate multi-channel digital marketing campaigns.

The problem

Digital Marketeers in the e-commerce sector face serious difficulties in designing, executing and evaluating their campaigns across the whole spectrum of marketing channels.

The first is related to the campaign evaluation, which, although the holy grail of marketing optimisation, is left to advertising platforms, which are not very objective when measuring their own channel's performance.

Furthermore, attribution modelling is hard to understand and implement, and "self-service" analytics are mainly designed for data analysts, not for marketeers.

Several Marketing Business Intelligence tools exist, providing holistic solutions for marketing campaign optimisation, but they are either too expensive or too complex. On the other hand, low-cost tools are segregated.


Why Explainable Marketing Analytics?

EMA empowers marketers to make better decisions without the hassle of data exploration on heterogeneous sources. With EMA, marketers acquire a personalised AI-enabled Data Analytics Agent for marketing campaign evaluation across all channels at a low cost. EMA offers seamless marketing campaign insights based on AI, proprietary attribution modelling and guidance on ADs spend optimisation.

Watch the EMA pitch during SEV's 8th Innovation Ready Workshop to learn more.   


Co-development: LIBRA AI Technologies + PaperGo