The RESONATE "Real timE drowSiness detectiON, AlerTing and rEporting" solution LIBRA AI develops for the Piraeus Container Terminal (PCT) as part of the 5GLoginnov EU-funded project was presented at the Athens Living Lab Ideathon. The Ideathon took place on 10th October 2002, as a hybrid event, offering an excellent venue for students and researchers interested in or with experience in deploying 5G technologies to discuss how these technologies can be practically applied in the Logistics and Industry 4.0 sectors. 

During the Ideathon, Athanasios Balomenos, CTO of LIBRA AI, had the chance to explain how the RESONATE prototype system addresses the project vision to optimise the freight and traffic operations at ports and logistics by enhancing professional drivers' safety with the support of Machine Learning, AI and 5G technologies.

Specifically, the AI-enabled Driver Drowsiness detection system of LIBRA AI is a low-cost solution ready to be applied in a big fleet of heavy vehicles. The solution combines edge and cloud computing based on SOTA Machine Learning deep architectures. The system exploits the low latency 5G offers in the connections between different devices, enabling it to take action in real time while respecting the operator's privacy and GDPR.

The Ideathon presentation slides are available here.

To learn more about 5GLoginnov and RESONATE, visit the project website or watch the video.